9.05 Record Review continues with Richard Osborne.
Building a Library: Strauss's Elektra by Michael Kennedy.
John Warrack investigates the record companies' sudden interest in the music of Clara Wieck , later Clara Schumann.
10.35 Record Release
Clara Schumann
Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 7
Angela Cheng (piano)
Women's Philharmonic/ Jo Ann Falletta
10.59 Clara Schumann
Six Songs, Op 13
Isabel Lippitz (soprano)
Deborah Richards (piano)
11.13 Strauss
Violin Sonata, Op 18
Anne Akiko Meyers (violin) Rohan da Silva (piano)
11.42 William Shuman
Symphony No 10 (American Muse) St Louis SO/
Leonard Slatkin
12.12 Michael Fine is a one-man record factory for Koch International
Classics. As he explains to Anthony Burton , next to his office is an editing suite where he can do a few splices when he is not recording more rare repertoire, such as this best-selling modern concerto:
12.38 Ellen Taaffe
Zwilich Flute Concerto
Doriot Anthony Dwyer (flute)
LSO/James Sedares. Discs Producers Nick Morgan and Clive Portbury
(9.05-10.35 repeated Wednesday at 2.00pm)