Two enquiries by REX MAI.IX into the social implications of the computer
2: A human use for human beings
The successful and widespread use of computers could upset our notions of social discipline. Making use of the technical potential we already have could create enormous changes in the power structure of society. Do we understand the real meaning of introducing this technology?
Speakers include:
SEAN GERVASI , Oxford University: Richard BELLMAN. University of Southern California; S. A. BARNETT , Glasgow University; AUBREY JONES. National Board for Prices and Incomes; PAUL ARMER , Rand Corporation. Santa Monica: ISAAC L. AUERBACH , Auerbach Corporation, Philadelphia; STAFFORDBEER, International Publishing Corporation; CLIVE JENKINS , Association of Scientific. Technical, and Managerial Staffs; DICK BRANDON , Brandon Applied Systems, New York.
Produced by David Paterson