Noel Edmonds opens up the Multi-Coloured Swap Shop for a nationwide exchange of news and views with the stars, the experts and you. Lines open at 9.30 on [number removed]
Swaporama with Keith Chegwin
(you think he's going to be on a football pitch, don't you!)
9.45* It's Droopy
Have You Studied the Magic Picture?
What does it do? You'll have a 'head' start if you keep it by you this morning when magician John Salisse (who has nothing up his sleeves except his arms) reveals the secrets of the Vanishing Head.
Don't Walk Away (as if you would) because Evita star Elaine Page will be in today singing her latest single.
News Swap with John Craven
Send your news to John and he may phone you for an exclusive interview.
11.0* Scooby Doo
Horses Galore!
Straight from the stables of Susan Knight, there's a chance to swap a horse or a pony. She's got them on plates, mugs and posters, so if you want to start horse trading, today's the day.
Swap of the Pops
Music from 10cc this morning, and a chance to chat and swap with Eric Stewart, Graham Gouldman.
Noel's Top Ten Swaps
Phone in your swaps or send them on a postcard to: Multi-Coloured Swap Shop, [address removed].
(Elaine Page is a guest in Crackerjack, Friday, 4.55)