Harry Houdini, the greatest escapologist of all time: the man nothing could hold.
He escaped from handcuffs, straitjackets, sealed packing - cases, riveted steel boilers, thief-proof safes, milk churns filled with water, maximum security jails and even the sewn-up belly of a dead whale; but always the vacated prison was found to be still locked and intact!
His exploits made this once penniless son of a Hungarian Rabbi a millionaire, and his name has entered the language and the dictionaries of the world. He became a legend, occult powers were attributed to him and Hollywood's film version of his life simply added to the confusion between truth and myth.
Tonight, with four Americans who have spent their lives studying the escapologist, we present the real-life, extraordinary Harry Houdini, 1874-1926.
A co-production with Patria Pictures Ltd
(Postponed from 10 November)