A radio reconstruction of outstanding events of the past fortnight
Written by Robert Kemp , Francis Dillon , A. L. Lloyd , D. G. Bridson , and Stephen Potter. Produced by Laurence Gilliam
Alternately week by week with Go To It '-that feature about Britain at work of which the first broadcast was heard last week—comes
' Marching On'. '. This will do for current history what ' Go To It ' is doing for industry. Fortnight by fortnight you will hear an up-to-the-minute radio documentary of events that will be literally history in the making'.
The series will cover happening military, naval, aerial, and industrial, as well as giving glimpses of what has most recently been going on inside Germany. Politics will have their-place in summaries of Government doings and utterances, while the series will constantly stress with all possible vigour the ideas and the facts behind its title.