With Andrew McGregor.
Prohotiev Overture on Hebnen' Themes
Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemb!e
6.17 Schubert Symphony <Vo 6 <n C Roya!Concertgebouw Orchestra, conductor Nikoiaus Harnoncourt
7.05 Shostakovich Prelude and Fugue. Op S7 No 4
Tat!ana N!ko!aeva (piano)
7.32 Debussy La Mer
Roya! Concertgebouw Orchestra, conductor R!ccardoCha!!!y
8.05 Mende)ssohn Overture:
The Heondes fHngat's Cave) London Classical P!ayers, conductor Roger Norrington
8.20 Bu/td/ng a f.tbrafy - Best of the Buncn:
Bach Sf -/ohn Pass/on Excerpts from the version chosen by George Pratt
8.35 Bartok Ptano Concerto Mo 2
AndrasSch iff, Budapest Festival Orchestra.conductor ivanFischer