Appeal by the Rev. H. W. BLACKBURNE, Chaplain to H.M. The King, Vicar of Ashford, on behalf of Ashford Hospital.
BUILT fifty years ago as a cottage hospital for twelve patients, the Ashford Hospital has now thirty-two beds and an average waiting list of a hundred cases. As it is on the main road to the coast, it has many accident cases, in addition to the ordinary needs of the town of Ashford, with the railway works there, and the seventy villages that it serves. To meet these needs, a new hospital, with ninety beds, has been planned, and the foundation-stone was laid by the Duke and Duchess of York last October. This will cost £35,000, and £7,000 more will be required for a Nurses' Home. £21,000 has been raised, and a Jubilee Campaign is endeavouring to collect the £14,000 needed to complete the main buildings.
Contributions should bo sent to [address removed]
Appeal on behalf of Brabazon Employment Society by Miss JEAN ALEXANDER
T ACK of employment is not merely an economic, but a psychological evil. Even those whose maintenance is assured can suffer in mind from having nothing to do, and the Brabazon Employment Society was founded by the late Countess of Meath, in 1883, ' to provide interesting occupation for those who from ago or ill-health are forced to pass the weary hours idly in our workhouse and infirmary wards, and in other similar institutions.' These people are taught crafts by unpaid voluntary teachers, and, though the results of their work are not allowed to compete with outside labour, they are kept happy and in some cases they attain such proficiency that they leave the workhouse and support themselves.
Contributions should be sent to [address removed]