with Susan Sharpe.
1.00 Concert Hall from the Wigmore Hall, London.
Leopold String Trio
Schubert String Trio in B flat (D581)
Beethoven String Trio in C minor, Op 9 No 3
2.00 Schools
Together: An Assembly for Schools 2.20 Time and Tune: Music Course 2 -
Stop ... Danger ... Go!
2.40 Drama Workshop
3.00 Midweek Choice with Susan Sharpe. (0171) [number removed]
Ring in before 2.00pm for a chance to hear your request today. Also including
Bach Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr (BWV 676)
Helmut Walcha (organ)
Foulds Lament (Keltic Suite) Jacques Orchestra , conductor Reginald Jacques Richter Oboe Concerto in F
Lajos Lencses (oboe)
Slovak Chamber Orchestra, conductor Bohdan Warchal
Producer Susan Kenyon Discs
WRITTEN REQUESTS: Midweek Choice. BBC Radio 3.
Broadcasting House. London W1A1AA
Fax: (0171) [number removed]
4.00 Choral Evensong from Lichfield
Introit: Prevent us, 0 Lord
Responses: Walsh
Psalms 73 and 74 (Rintoft, Garrett, Parratt)
First Lesson: 2 Chronicles 5
Office Hymn: 0 Trinity of Blessed Light (Illsley)
Canticles (Stanford in C)
Second Lesson: 1 John 5, wl-12
Anthem: I saw the Lord
Organ Voluntary: Rhapsody No 1 (Howells)
Organist and Master of the Choristers Andrew Lumsden
Assistant Organist Robert Sharpe