Community hymn-singing from the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Ashwell, Baldock, Hertfordshire
Conductor, John Russell
Organist, Derek Smith
Hymns introduced by John Westbrook Immortal, invisible God. only wise
(Tune, Ashwell Springs)
All people that on earth do dwell
(Tune, Old Hundredth)
Lord, as to thy dear Cross (Tune,
Our blest Redeemer (Tune, Wicklow) Thy kingdom come! on bended knee
(Tune. Irish)
Father, hear the prayer we offer
(Tune. Marching)
King of glory. King of peace (Tune,
Salve cordis gaudium)
The Church triumphant (Tune, Eatington)
Blessing by the Vicar. the Rev. John Catterick