from Winchester Cathedral sung by the boys of parish church and school choirs affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music
Versicles and Responses (Ferial) Psalms 98, 99, 100, 101
First Lesson: Jeremiah 29, vv. 1-7 Magnificat (Nicholson in D flat)
Second Lesson: St. Mark 14, vv. 53-72
Nunc dimittis (Nicholson in D flat)
Anthem: O praise God (Psalm 150) (Macpherson)
Organist: Alwyn Surplice (Organist of Winchester Cathedral)
Choirmaster: Edred J. Wright (Choirmaster of St. Nicholas' College, Canterbury)
For the last fortnight the services in Winchester Cathedral have been sung, in the absence of the regular choir, by the choir that broadcasts today. The trebles are parish church choirboys selected from those who have attended the instructional courses of the Royal School of Church Music, and the altos, tenors, and basses are senior boys of school choirs.