7.30-12 midnight
A dramatised feature charting the campaign in Britain and the Caribbean to abolish the transatlantic slave trade. Present-day historians Adam Hochschild, James Walvin and Anne C Bailey provide insight into the years between 1767 and 1807, interspersed by the voices of key players in the abolition movement speaking monologues written by Amanda Whittington.
Producer Sara Davies
8.30 The Legacies of Abolition
Broadcaster Henry Bonsu asks historians Adam Hochschild and James Walvin, and Esther Stanford, general secretary of Rendezvous of Victory, to discuss the historical aftermath of abolition and its impact On lives today. Producer Sara Davies
9.00 The Lamplighter
Jackie Kay 's epic poem on enslavement as seen through the eyes of four women, based upon the lives of slaves over several hundred years.
Music composed by Dominique Le Gendre : Singer Gweneth-Ann Jeffers ; Producer Pam Fraser-Solomon
10.30 Radio 3 Words and Music Slavery and Freedom
Jackie Kay introduces poetry and prose on the theme of slavery and freedom, including works by Langston Hughes, Fred D'Aguiar, Emily Dickinson, Robert Burns and Paul Laurence Dunbar. With music inspired by slavery and freedom by Bessie Smith, Paul Robeson, Beethoven, and the Blind Boys Of Alabama. Producer Fiona McLean
A service from Westminster Abbey to mark the bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act is on Tuesday at 11.56am on Radio 4, and on BBC1 from 11.30am