A series of ten programmes about the ancient Greeks, their history, genius and contribution to European civilisation.
7:PHILOSOPHY by A. H. Armstrong
Gladstone Professor of Greek in the University of Liverpool
From Thales (585 B.C.) to Damascius (A.D. 529) the continuous history of Greek philosophy lasted over a thousand years; if indeed a philosophy whose ideas are still being seriously discussed can be called dead, or its history finished even today. Reader, Gary Watson
A Listen and Learn series
The 52-page booklet published by the BBC to accompany these programmes can be obtained by sending a crossed postal order for 5s. to [address removed]With the booklet will be enclosed details of weekend courses on the Greeks now being arranged by residential colleges in Durham, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Northamptonshire. Listeners who already have the booklet and who would like details of these courses should send a stamped addressed envelope to The Greeks, Follow-Up Courses, at the same address.