Narrated by Michael Jordan Humpback whales, passing Newfoundland on their annual migration from the Caribbean to the Arctic, are confronted by a criss-cross of enormous drifting fishing nets. Some whales become trapped and either destroy the nets or are enveloped in the mesh and die.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau and the crew of the Calypso head north to witness the plight of the whales and, in the icy waters of the Labrador
Current, they encounter lion's-mane jellyfish, Arctic cod and lobsters, flatfish, the dangerous wolf-fish, noisy sculpin, feather stars and a million guillemots. And they save a baby whale from certain death.
Produced for the National Film Board of Canada and the Cousteau Society Productions by JACQUES- YVES COUSTEAU and JACQUES BOBET
Presented for BBCtv by MICHAEL BRIGHT BBC Bristol
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