From Birmingham
THE BIRMINNGHAM MILITARY BAND, conducted by W. A. CLARKE rpHE Welsh Rhapsody (written for the Cardiff
Musical Festival of 1004) is woven without seam, but has four pretty definite sections, a little like those of a Symphony, and each of them grows out of some famous old Welsh melody or melodies. '
The FIRST (a stately one) is based on 'Loudly Proclaim.'
The SECOND (a skittish one) is made out of ' Hunting the Hare ' and The Bells of Aberdovey.'
The THIRD (a tender one) brings in ' David of the White Rock.'
The FouRTH (a march-like Finale) uses the famous ' Men of Harlech.'
5.45 THE CHILDREN'S HOUR (From Birmingham) :
A Special Programme by the ' Aunts' and , Uncles '