An appeal on behalf of Spero Industries (Central Fund for the Industrial Welfare of Tuberculous Persons) by The Right Hon. The Lord Rushcliffe, C.B.E.
The Spero Industries provide employment for tuberculous people who have returned from sanatoria with the disease arrested, but who are unable to compete in the labour market by reason of their disability. They are able to lead a normal life at home, working daily for a weekly wage in special workshops under medical supervision. Fancy leather goods, hand-made gloves, toys, furniture, firewood, form the industries.
The Committee relies on the public to contribute the capital necessary to maintain the present workshops, to provide for expansion, and to move the wood factory, marked for early demolition, to newer and better premises.
Lord Rushcliffe, who as Minister of Labour opened the Spero Leather Workshop premises in 1931, is to make the appeal tonight. The sum needed is £10,000.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to The Right Hon. The Lord Rushcliffe, C.B.E., [address removed]