Community hymn - singing from H.M.S. Tioer in the Royal Naval Dockyard, Portsmouth
Introduced by the Chaplain and members of the Ship's Company
Praise my soul, the King of heaven (tune, Praise my soul)
Guide me, 0 thou great redeemer
(tune, Cwm Rhondda)
0 worship the King, all glorious above (tune, Hanover)
The Lord's my shepherd (tune,
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
(tune, Mannheim)
He who would valiant be (tune,
Monks Gate)
As with gladness (tune, Dix)
Eternal Father (tune, Melita)
The Naval Prayer
Blessing given by the Chaplain, THE REV. JOHN WALMSLEY , R.N.
The Band of the Royal Marines Bandmaster,A.C.Finney.R.M. Choirmaster.
Instructor Lt.Cdr. A. S. Watt. R.N.