A portrait of Kathleen Ferrier , one of the best-loved singers of the century.
In the early summer of her gloriouscoursesheleftus.She left us for ever in her debt, for ever grateful for her example of nobility and humility, for her shining beauty and grace. for her goodness and her truth.
This portrait of Kathleen Ferrier ,whodied30yearsago, on 8 October 1953, is presented by Peter Orr who has talked to some of the people who knewandlovedherincluding her sister WINFRED FERRIER and LADYBARBlROLLI. ERIC CROZIER ,
NANCY EVANS. GERALD MOORE and SIR PETER PEARS and her many friends in Silloth in Cumbria where her career began. Producer ALAN HAYDOCK (Extended repeat)