introduced by Andy Crane - starting with:
Barney: Barney's Treasure Hunt
with the voices of Tim Brooke-Taylor, Harry Enfield, Jan Ravens and Enn Reitel.
3.55pm A Bear Behind
with Lindsey Coulson and Bill Wallis as Boz.
When I was three I had a friend
Who asked me why bananas bend....
Boz and Lindsey ask some really hard questions.
Story: The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning.
4.05pm Ewoks: The First Apprentice
4.20pm The Quack Chat Show
Last in the series from Keith's Castle, with Keith Harris, Orville and Cuddles who are confronted today by suits of armour. Choreographer Stuart Arnold drives the Castle Crew Dancers into robotics. The animated armour string puppet made by the children of Mount Carmel Primary School, Manchester, Keeps on Dancing with them. In the Dungeon, their friends race to make Messy Monsters. In the final exciting episode in search of the Rusty Old Key, Keith and Orville leave Cuddles hanging around and enter the wizard's den. Can they return to their own time?
Factsheet: for a free puppet factsheet, send a sae to [address removed].
4.35pm BraveStarr: The Blockade
4.55pm Newsround
5.05pm Blue Peter
with Caron Keating, Yvette Fielding and John Leslie. Panto Reminder. There's still time to enter the great Design-a-Dame Competition. Christopher Biggins has to look amazing when he appears as Nurse Tickle in Babes in the Wood.
Competition: closing date is this Friday. Entries to: Panto Competition. Blue Peter, BBC TV, [address removed].
Ceefax subtitles.