All people that on earth do dwell
(A. and M. 166. omitting v. 5: S.P.
443. omitting v. 5; C.H. 229: Tune. Old Hundredth)
Interlude: 'Raimon Lull'
Prayers: Prayer of St. Richard; the Lord's Prayer
Father, hear the prayer we offer (S.P.
487: Tune, Gott will's machen)
Raimon Lull was a Spaniard who, towards the end of the thirteenth century, was moved by the failure of the Crusades to devote his life to the conversion of the Moslems by peaceful means. In spite of continual hostility and persecution he returned again and again to preach the Gospel in North Africa, where in 1315 at the age of eighty he was stoned to death by the mob. His story illustrates the saying of Christ: ' The Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them ' (St. Luke 9, v. 56).