9.35 Out of the Past: The Horse at Work
9.58 Maths-in-a-Box: 1: Strange Visitor
A mathematical story by Alex Glasgow.
With Eugene Geasley, Pippa Sparkes, Clark Flanagan, Melissa Wilks and Alex Glasgow.
10.16 Look and Read: The Boy from Space: 1
by Richard Carpenter.
A ten-part adventure story for young readers.
Presented by Phil Cheney and Charles Collingwood.
10.38 Resource Units 11-13: English. It's Only Words
Gordon Astley and Jonathan Cecil argue about the ever-changing English language.
11.0 Watch: Books - How a book is made
Louise Hall-Taylor follows the process from the papermill to the printers. Story: How King Alfred learnt to read
11.17 Television Club: A School in Time: Schoolditz
11.38 Design by Five: 1: A Kitchen for Magnus Pyke
designed by Jon Wealleans.
12.5 pm General Studies: Higher Education. 1: Choices