With Susan Sharpe.
1.00 Birmingham
Lunchtime Concert
From Studio One,
Pebble Mill.
David Owen Norris (piano)
Bax Piano Sonata No 2 in G
Lambert Piano Sonata
Phone (0121) [number removed]
2.00 Schools
Together 2.20 Time and Tune 2.40 Drama
3.00 Midweek Choice
With Susan Sharpe. (0171) [number removed]
Ring in by lunchtime for a chance to hear your request today. Including
Vivaldi Concerto in A minor
Michala Petri (sopranino recorder)
I Solisti Veneti , conductor
Claudio Scimone
Brahms Piano Pieces, Op 76 (excerpts)
Julius Katchen (piano)
Producer Susan Kenyon Discs WRITTEN REQUESTS:
Midweek Choice, BBC Radio 3, Broadcasting House, London W1A 1AA
Fax: (0171) [number removed]
4.00 Choral Evensong From Winchester
Responses (Lloyd) Psalm 37
(Flintoft, S S Wesley)
First Lesson: Exodus 34, w 29-end
Office Hymn: The race that long in darkness pined (Dundee)
Canticles: Stanford in G
Second Lesson: Luke 9, w 28-36
Anthem: There is an old belief (Parry)
Hymn: Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Ratisbon) Organ Voluntary: Prelude (Suite, Op 5) (Durufle)
Master of the Music David
Sub-organist Stephen Farr