A performance in French of Acts 3 and of Racine's tragedy which was broadcast in English on Sunday
Characters in order fspeaking:
Produced by Georges Hacquard on gramophone records in the series
L'Encyclopédie Sonore
Pyrrhus. the son of Achilles. has returned to his kingdom of Epirus with Andromache. Hector's widow. and her little son among his cap.
Andromache. The Greeks. alarmed lest Hector's son should grow up to lead the revenge of the Trojans. have sent Orestes to urge that Pyrrhus fulfil his vow to marry Hermione. the daughter of Menelaus and Helen. and that he kill Hector's little son. Act 3 begtn:i -at the point where Pyrrhus. having failed to persuade Andromache to marry him. has at last consented to marry Hennlone who deeply loves him and In turn loved by Orestes. Orestes. who had secretly hoped mione's hand. Is deeply enraged