live from Blackburn
Introit: 0 pray for the peace of Jerusalem
(Howells); Responses:
Rose; Office Hymn: 0 for a closer walk with God
(Stracathro); Psalms: 73, 74 (Cooper, Atkins, Harris); Readings: I Maccabees 4, vv 36-end (AV); John 18, vv 28-end (AV); Canticles: Collegium Regale (Wood); Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord (Elgar); Hymn: 0 Holy City, seen of John (Sancta Civitas); Organ Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in B (Dupre).
Organist and Master of the Choristers David Cooper. Assistant Organist David Goodenough.