Eight programmes for teachers and parents on the changing scene in secondary schools
Introduced by DR. F. HILLIARD
1: The Newsom Report
In August 1963 the Ministry of Education published the report of a Committee set up ' to consider the educaton between the ages of 13 and 16 of pupils of average or less than average ability.' The report was called ' Half Our Future ' and the Chairman of the Committee was Sir John Newsom. The report found a great deal wrong with much of our secondary school teaching. The attitude to the schools of many pupils was put by one youngster who said,when asked for an opinion on the new school buildings. 'It could all be marble, sir, but it would still be a bloody school.'
SIR JOHN NEWSOM and CHARITY JAMES of Goldsmiths' College, London University discuss the impact of the report on schools, and whether its recommendations go far enough to meet many of our severe educational problems
Produced by Peter Jarvis
Second broadcast