Travel Talk
In the High Andes (Peru)
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Feature Programmes and Topical Talks
Under the Sea
Deep sea diving and salvaging of ships
2.50 Interval Music
2.55 Junior English
A story from Uncle Remus
Devised by JEAN SUTCLIFFE and broadcast by RUTH FIELD
3.15 Talk on Next Week's
Broadcast Music
3.35 Talk for Sixth Forma
How Philosophy Began
Socrates and Plato
C. E. M. Joad
The first of three talks to be given to sixth forms on aspects of philosophy will be broadcast by the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Psychology at Birkbeck College, University of London, and one of the most popular writers on philosophic subjects of our time. Professor C. E. M. Joad retired from the Civil Service in 1930 and became Tutorial Class Tutor for the University of London. This series of talks is listened to by boys and girls just about to leave school, who form listening groups under the supervision of their teachers.