Edward Walker (flute) ; Terence McDonagh (oboe); Reginald Kell (clarinet) ; Alan Hyde (horn) ;
Gwydion Holbrooke (bassoon)
The members of the Modem Wind Quintet are drawn from London s three leading orchestras—B.B.C., London
Philharmonic and London Symphony. Formed three years ago for the purpose of creating interest in the large repertory of classical and modern chamber music for wind instruments, the Modern Wind Quintet spares no effort to attain a standard of performance usually associated with that of a first-rate string quartet.
The programme this evening includes a Quintet by Franz Reizenstein , who studied under Hindemith at the Berlin State High School of Music, and is now studying under Vaughan Williams at the Royal College of Music.
'A Forsaken Garden,' by Algernon Charles Swinburne
Tonight V. C. Clinton-Baddeley is to read two poems : Swinburne's ' A Forsaken Garden', and Francis Thomp sons' mysticat ' The Hound of Heaven'.
The former is to be found in any complete edition of Swinburne's works, or in ' The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse', published by the Clarendon Press, and the latter in volume one of the ' Works of Francis Thompson ', published by Burns, Oates and Washbourne. 10.45 V. C. CLINTON BADDELEY
' The Hound of Heaven', by Francis Thompson