With Susan Sharpe.
Bristol Lunchtime
Stravinsky Plus
From St George 's, Brandon Hill , the first in a series of concerts featuring the chamber music of Igor Stravinsky , who died 25 years ago. Introduced by Chris de Souza.
David Campbell (clarinet) Madeleine Mitchell (violin) Andrew Ball (piano) Khachaturian Trio
Tchaikovsky Souvenir d'un lieu cher
Stravinsky Suite : The Soldier's Tale
A Classic Arts production
2.00 Schools
Let's Make a Story 2.15 Music Box 2.30 Dance
Workshop 2.50 Poetry Corner
3.00 Mining the Archive Time Remembered
Louis Kentner, a British pianist of Hungarian birth, gave premieres of Bartok's second and third piano concertos, recorded Mozart with Beecham and was a major force in the Liszt revival in Britain. Stephen Plaistow recalls a Beethoven broadcast from
1950 and discusses with Malcolm Binns the catholic nature of Kentner's repertoire and the exceptional quality of his early recordings.
A Cavendish production
4.20 Hits of the Fifties
The second of four programmes. Nat King
Cole's Too Young reminds novelist David Lodge of innocent evenings at his local Catholic youth club. Producer Virginia Crompton
4.30 The Sailor's Piano
Janet Topp Fargion presents a final selection of music for the versatile accordion.