With Susan Sharpe.
1.00 Wartime at the National Gallery
A second chance to hear the five-part series in which Robert Philip traces the history of the daily chamber-music concerts founded by Myra Hess in October 1939 and given throughout the Second
World War. Including music by Beethoven and Brahms played by Hess and the Griller Quartet.
2.00 Schools
Radio Showcase 2.05 In the News 2.25 Something to Think About 2.40 Music
3.00 Cupid and Death
A masque by James Shirley with music by Matthew Locke and Christopher Gibbons.
Cupid and Death are fellow guests at a country inn. The host's chamberlain, thwarted in his plans to inherit a fortune, takes revenge by exchanging their arrows. Mother Nature is appalled to see her laws overturned and calls on higher gods to intervene.
Consort of Musicke, director Anthony Rooley Rpt
4.30 An Outside View
Austrian violinist Ernst
Kovacic voices his opinion of British music.
Mozart Violin Concerto No
4 in (K218)
Scottish CO, director
Ernst Kovacic (violin)
Producer Susan Kenyon Discs