Devised by Peter CresweII, and presented by him to, for, about (and largely by the personnel of), the Royal Navy. Produced by Peter Creswell and Peter Watts
Items include:
'We Joined the Navy', by Sub-Lieutenant Gerald Pawle, R.N.V.R. Part 3 - 'Jacks and Jills'
'What's the buzz?' Questions of Naval interest answered by the Briny Trust, organised by Cadet-Rating J. B. G. Thomas and (misre-) presented by his shipmates
'The ship's concert a survey of talent on board H.M.S. 'Incredible '
'Ordinary Seaman "Tug" Wilson Writes Home', by Lieutenant Eric D. Todd, R.N.V.R.
Sports summary; The 'Squeegee' Band; Singing Wrens; The Line-Shooter, etc. Original numbers by Ordinary Signalman Geoffrey Wright. Other contributors : Leading Writer Roland Blackburn, Leading Writer Nelson Linklater, Assistant Instructor W.G. Hutchison, Ordinary Seaman A.F. Dakin. Writer Russell Marsh