I Live from Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. Introit: Geistliches Lied (Brahms).
Responses (Christopher Herbert ). Office
Hymn: 0 Kind Creator (Gregorian mode ii). Psalms 110 and 130 (Duffy, Turle). Reading: Romans 12. Motet: 0 Vos Omnes (Vittoria). Homily: The Rt Rev Provost Monsignor Peter Cookson. Magnificat: Leonard
Cheshire Service (Philip Moore ). Motets:
Ave Regina Coelorum (Meirion Wynn Jones ). Ave Sanctissima Mater (Mervyn Cousins). Hymn: Lord Jesus, Think on Me (Southwell). Canticle: The Lamentation (Bairstow). Organ Voluntary: Prelude (Durufle). Director of music Mervyn Cousins.
Assistant director of music Richard Lea.