With Andrew McGregor , who introduces some of the month's newest releases. Jeremy Sams reviews recent song discs, including music by Mozart, Grieg, Poulenc and Gershwin.
10.00 Joanna MacGregor discusses her new record label, Sound Circus.
The first three CDs feature an eclectic mix of music by composers including Nikki Yeoh , John Cage and Django Bates.
Radio 3 Disc of the Week:
Bach Christmas Oratorio (Part 1) Monika Frimmer (soprano),
Yoshikazu Mera (countertenor),
Gerd Turk (tenor), Peter Kooij (bass), Japan Bach Collegium, director Masaaki Suzuki
11.00 Building a Library
William Mival recommends a version of Haydn's Symphony No 100 in G (Military).
Producers Clive Portbury and Susan Kenyon WEBSITE: www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/cdreview E-MAIL: cdreview@bbc.co.uk
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