take a 'Zoo-'Oliday'
When Gert and Daisy take Edie to the Zoo, there's bound to be fun, but then there couldn't help being fun with Gert and Daisy anywhere. ' If they leave the Guide Book, they won't know what animals to poke about.' ' The kangaroos carry their young about in their pouches because it saves buying a pram.'
Round the Zoo they trudge with Edie, looking for the Monkey House. They keep meeting a man from Lancashire until at last they begin calling him ' Old Lancashire Hot-Pot '. His one idea is that the Blackpool Zoo beats the London Zoo hollow. They reach the Monkey House at last. Says Gert: ' Look at that funny monkey swaying from bar to bar.' And Daisy adds : ' Like Bert coming home to dinner on Saturdays.'
There are some rattling good songs :
' The Elephant Man's Song ', and Gert and Daisy's song in the Monkey House: ' Each blooming one Like Somebody you Know '. There are lyrics that are gems : ' The Polar Bear ' and ' The Penguin '. One of the funniest things is when they meet ' Old Lancashire Hot-Pot' near the tunnel. He is there because he is homesick and it reminds him of the Mersey Tunnel ... and of course Edie gets lost.
' Zoo-'Oliday ' will clinch the argument with the thousands of listeners who consider Ashley Steme and Elsie and Doris Waters among the greatest humorists on the air. Gert and Daisy are featured in ' People You Hear,' on page 4.
This feature was broadcast in the Regional programme last night