Appeal on behalf of the Joint Housing Committee (appointed by the London Council of Social Service and the Mansion House Council on Health and Housing), by Mr. John Galsworthy
The Joint Housing Committee represents some fourteen Housing Associations in London, all of which provide healthy dwellings on low weekly rentals, build houses, or buy up insanitary houses, making them habitable. The Associations, which are mainly dependent on share or loan capital, carrying low or limited rates of interest, are urgently in need of additional funds to extend their work; and their present appeal is for donations towards housing the poorest in decent houses.
Contributions should be sent to [address removed]. The fund will be allocated to the various Housing Associations by the following trustees: Sir Vansittart Bowater and Mr. E.C. Grenfell, M.P.'s for the City of London, the Rt. Hon. Sir Willoughby Dickinson, K.B.E., Chairman of the London Council of Social Service, Lt.-Col. C. Waley-Cohen, C.M.G., Chairman of the Mansion House Committee on Health and Housing, and Sir Edgar Bonham-Carter, K.C.M.G., Chairman of the Joint Housing Committee of the two Councils.