March and malagueno from "Boadil" (Moszkowski). Miss Emily Seddon, soprano, "My mother bids me bind my hair" (Haydn), "Wayfarer's night song" (Easthope Martin), "From the land of the sky-blue water" (violin obligato, S. Kneale Kelley) (Cadman); Mr Cecil Mannering, entertainer, ''Not understood " (Tom Bracker), "The Irish Fire Brigade" (Hitchcock); orchestra, musical comedy, "Tina" (Caryll and Monckton); Mr Arnold Perry, solo pianoforte, "Nocturne in D flat" (Chopin), "Prelude in G minor" (Rachmaninoff); orchestra, ballet music, "Herodiade" (Massenet). Les Egyptiennes, Les Babyloniennes, Les Gauloises, Les Pheniciennes, final; Miss Emily Seddon, soprano, "The almond tree" (Schumann), "Prelude" (Cyril Scott), "Blackbird's song" (Cyril Scott); Mr Cecil Mannering, entertainer, "The Yukon trail" (Milton Hayes), "My first and last appearance" (anon.); orchestra, "Ma blonde aimee'' (F. Volpatti, jun.)