Seven features about practical attempts over the centuries to create the ideal society.
6: Bconar.s with Dreum.s by DANIEL WOLF
The story of the first kibbutz. Degania, founded in Palestine in 1911 to create a new way of life for Jews, with Lee Montague as Joseph Baratz , one of the 12 founder members ' We arrived in Um Jumi in summer. It was very hot down there, 200m below sea level. We were 12, ten men and two women Six men were to do the ploughing, two would act as guards, one as secretary-accountant, and one to be held in reserve. The two women would do the housekeeping. We had only grain. crops. We tilled them with primitive tools. We had no farm animals exceptt six pairs of mules and two horses. '
Narrator Hugh DICKSON with DAVID GRAHAM. STEVE HODSON , JAMES KERRY , STUART ORGAN and contributions from Baratz's descendants: YOYA SHAPIRO. TAMAR C.U. and RON SHAPIRO Directed by JOHN THEOCIIARIS