by the Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards.
By permission of Colonel B. N. Sergison Brooke, C.M.G., D.S.O.
(Director of Music: Lieut. G. Miller, L.R.A.M.)
7.30 Band: "Pomp and Circumstance, No. 4" (Elgar); "Children's Overture" (Quilter); Cornet Solo, "The English Rose" (Edward German); Petite Suite de Concert (Coleridge-Taylor): 1. "La Caprice de Nanette". 2. "Demande et Reponse". 3. "Un Sonnet d'Amour". 4. "La Tarantelle Fretillante"
Tom Kinniburgh (Bass-Baritone): Two "Odes of Anachreon" (Parry): 1. "Golden Hues of Life are Fled". 2. "Away, Away, Ye Men of Rules".
George Lumb (Entertainer): "A Holiday Abroad".
Band: Derry Tune (Percy Grainger); English Morris Dance, "Shepherd's Hey" (Percy Grainger); Evensong (Easthope Martin); Valsette, "Wood Nymphs" (Easthope Martin); "Reminiscences of Scotland".
Tom Kinniburgh: "The Arrow and the Song (Balfe); "The Wayfarer's Night Song" (Easthope Martin); "Hatfield Bells" (Easthope Martin).