from St. Martin-in-the-Fields
The Bells
Order of Service
Hymn, 'Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens adore Him' (A. and M,, No. 292)
Confession and Thanksgiving
Psalm 23
Nunc Dimittis Prayers
Hymn, 'Jesu, Lover of my Soul' (A. and M., No. 193)
Address, The Rev. H.R.L. Sheppard
Hymn, 'Abide with me' (A. and M., No. 27)
Since his retirement from the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, listeners will agree that opportunities for hearing the Rev. H.R.L. Sheppard have been all too infrequent: the greater pleasure, therefore, to find him once again occupying the pulpit he has made so famous all over the world. The number of friends made by Mr. Sheppard. through his broadcast sermons, must be incalculable: he himself wrote in these pages, a year ago, that the broadcast preacher, with only fifteen minutes at his command, has a wider scope than Wesley who travelled England fifty years preaching the Word. Not even the newspaper or the book can hope to reach, with the same power and intimacy, so wide an audience as that to which Mr. Sheppard will preach this evening, when he returns to his familiar church.
(For 8.45-10.30 Programmes see opposite page)