from St. Paul's Cathedral
Conversion of St. Paul
Order of Service
Hymn, Blow the trumpets! Raise the voices! (words by Canon S. A. Alexander ; Tune ' St. Paul's' by Stanley Marchant )
Psalm ciii
Lesson, Isaiah xlv, 18-28 Magnificat (Dyson in D)
Lesson, Philippians iii, 1-14 Nunc Dimittis (Dyson in D)
The feast of the conversion of St.
Paul is commemorated at St. Paul's
Cathedral by special services.
For many years a feature of Evensong on this day has Keen the inclusion of part of Mendelssohn's oratorio, St. Paul. The service starts with a hymn sung in procession by the Cathedral choir, and the broadcast part of the service ends with the Overture and first Chorale from the oratorio.
The St. Paul's Cathedral Choir will be augmented for the occasion by the Cathedral special-service choir, and there will be an orchestra to accompany the singing.