' Modem Iran' by the Rev. Ali KHAN NAKHOSTEEN
Mr. Ali Nakhosteen, who is to give the monthly missionary broadcast talk today, has charge of the sale of the Bible for the British and Foreign Bible Society in Iran and Irak. His head-quarters are at Isfahan, and he has a staff of ten colporteurs. Bibles are required in Iran, he says, in forty different languages, and their sale has gone up in the past few years from 10,000 to 40,000 a year. Mr. Nakhosteen is to give a glowing account of developments in Iran during the last ten years.
A native of Teheran, Mr. Nakhosteen was educated at the American College (now called Alborz College) in that city, and at the Forman Christian College, Lahore. India. During his present visit to England, with his wife and baby daughter, he is to take a course of study at Oxford University: