Schoolboys and girls compete in a series of contests to show their enterprise as the scientists and technologists of the future.
Paddy Feeny introduces the three teams.
The Boys of George Heriot's School demonstrate Frames of Reference: a psychological approach to road safety
The Boys of George Watson's College study Butterflies - and the effects of different food plants on their marking
The Boys of Galashiels Academy show Infra-red fog devices
The judges:
Dr. Anne McLaren, zoologist, University of Edinburgh
Dr. M. Finniston, Managing Director, Imperial Research and Development Co. Ltd.
Professor T. Cottrell, Principal, University of Stirling
Chairman, Dr. Tom Margerison
Outside broadcast from Craigroyston School, Edinburgh, based on a Science Fair held at Daniel Stewarts College and organised by the British Association for the Advancement of Science and the Sunday Times