Introduced by Cliff Michelmore
As inevitable as brand-new diaries and resolute resolutions, the Holiday programme returns with the start of another year. And this series, more than ever before, will bear in mind the current economic climate, inflation at home and abroad and a host of problems that beset the holidaymaker.
Travel experts in the studio will supplement the information in our film reports, adding their own suggestions and guiding viewers towards the best of the bargains. Norma Shepherd joins the team to pass on the results of her research into aspects of travel and holidays - research which most people simply don't have time to do for themselves.
In this first programme, remembering the long hot. summer, we take a fresh look at two similar resorts, one at home and the other abroad; not to compare one against the other, more to show just what each has to offer. Kieran Prendiville reports from Salcombe and Joan Bakewell from
Puerto Soller, Majorca.