From St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh, sung by members of the 2004 Charles Wood Summer
School. Introit: Justorum Animae (Stanford). Responses: Leighton. Psalms 6, and 8 (Purcell, Turner, Barnby, Lawes, S Wesley).
First Reading: Jeremiah 9, w23-24; 10, w6-10. Magnificat: Wood No 2 in E flat. Second
Reading: Acts 5, wl2-32. Nunc Dimittis: Wood in B flat. Anthem: Hear My Words, Ye People
(Parry). Rnal Hymn: 0 Thou Who Camest from Above (Hereford). Organ Voluntary: Postlude in D minor (Stanford). Director of music David Hill. Organist Jonathan Vaughn.