An Appeal on behalf of The Rhondda Institute for the Blind, by Mr. Will John, M.P. for Rhondda West
Contributions will be gratefully received addressed to The Secretary, [address removed]
The Institute has grown out of a less ambitious effort made in 1919 to provide Christmas cheer for the blind of the Rhondda Valley. So enthusiastic was the support given to the work that a Committee was formed to develop help in a more permanent form. Workmen contributed a penny each per week through the local Colliery lodges and the first section of the Institution was started in 1922. The total cost of the Institute was £15,000, of which £5,000 was given by the Miners' Welfare Fund, and £10,000 by the workmen of the Rhondda in the form of weekly contributions. The Institution needs an annual income of £12,000; of this amount, £7,000 is secured as grants from government and local authorities, and from sales of the work of the blind, but £5,000 must be secured each year from voluntary sources. Because of idle Collieries, voluntary contributions have not reached £2,000 this year.