Introduced by JACOB DE VRIES
World Cycling Championships JOHN BURNS reports on this afternoon's World Professional Road Race Championship in which Tommy Simpson will be riding in the British team and attempting to retain his World Professional Road Race Championship: from the Nurburgring Broadcast by arrangement with South-West German Radio
British Isles Tour of New Zealand
BRYNTHOMAS of the Western Mail gives the latest news of the Lions' tour: from Christchurch
Broadcast by arrangement with the New Zealand Broadcasting Corp.
The T.T. Races
A report from the Isle of Man by MURRAY WALKER
See facing page
VIII European
Athletics Championships
Preview of the Championships by HAROLD ABRAHAMS and NORMAN CUDDEFORD from Budapest Broadcast by arrangement with Hungarian Radio
The Carroll Sweet Afton Tournament
A report from Royal Dublin Golf Club by Tom SCOTT on the final day's play
Broadcast by arrangement with Radio Eireann