by Anton Chekhov
Newly translated and abridged for radio by DAVID MAGARSHACK with Richard Pasco as Michael Platonov
Norman Rossington Catherine Dolan Shirley Ann Field
Life, my dear sir.... What is liter I'll tell you what it is. When a man is born he ran choose one ol three roads. There are no others. 11 he takes the road to the right, the wolves will eat him up. It he takes the road to the left, he will eat up the wolves. And if he takes the road straight ahead of him, he'll eat himself up.
AU of us have passions and none of us have the strength to resist them.
Your brains tell you one thing, nature another.
Pianist, Frederick Stone
Violinist, Carl Pini Production by H. B. FORTUIN
To be repeated on December 22
See page 51 DURING THE INTERVAL 9.25-9.35* Johann Strauss Fledermaus Quadrille played by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Willi Boskovsky on a gramophone record