A Festival of Choirs from all parts of Britain
From the North
The Whalley Range
High School for Girls' Choir Music Mistress, Freda Smith
The Besses Boys Band
(Conductor, Fred Cowburn)
Conducted by John Hopkins
(Continued in next column)
From the South
Hastings Girls' Choir
Conductor, A. Edmund Niblett
The Augmented
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
From the East
Thurrock Male Voice Choir
Conductor, Arthur Jones
Front the West
Mousehole Male Voice Choir
Conductor, R. J. Maddern-Williams
From Northern Ireland
Belfast Girl Singers
Conductor, Kay Simpson
Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
From Scotland
Glasgow Phoenix Choir
Conductor, Robert H. Howie
From Wales
Children's Co-operative Choir Conductor, J. Elwyn Thomas
From London
London Orpheus Choir
Conductor, James Gaddarn
At the organ, Charles Smart
Programme introduced from London by James McKcchnie
Produced by Michael North and John Simmonds