United Service, from Sardis Congregational Church, Pontypridd
Opening Sentences
All people that on earth do dwell
(Cong. Hymnary, 1 ; C.H. 229 ; S.P. 443)
Scripture Reading : Matthew 20, w.
Fill thou my life, 0 Lord my God
(Cong. Hymnary, 30 ; S.P. 492)
The Lord's Prayer
Take my life and let, it be (Cong.
Hymnary, 487 ; C.H. 512 ; S.P. 257)
Address by the Rev. Emlyn Davies
Lord, while for all mankind we pray
(Cong. Hymnary, 557 ; C.H. 633 ; S.P. 320)
Introductory Service conducted by the Rev. H. Gwyn Lewis
Precentor and Organist,
David Erasmus