Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, conducted by Lt. R. G. Evans : March aux flambeaux (Torch Dance) (Meyerbeer). Selection, Tales of Hoffmann) (Offenbach)
Patricia Rossborough (pianoforte):
To a Wild Rose (MacDowell). Simple aveu (Avowal) (Thome)
The BBC Military Band, conducted by B. Walton O'Donnell : Overture, The Caliph of Baghdad (Boieldieu). Hungarian Dance (From Foreign Parts) (Moszhowski)
Patricia Rossborough (pianoforte):
Slipova (Bargy, Straight). Pianoflage (Bargy)
Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards, conducted by Major George Miller : The Guards' Patrol (Williams)
The BBC Military Band, conducted by B. Walton O'Donnell : La Tarantelle de Belphegor (Roch d'Albert)