Jupiter is specially brilliant this month, but it is so remote that many of its mysteries are still unsolved.
Patrick Moore discusses them with Terence Moseley
Two bright planets are in the evening sky now. Venus is in the west, and at present two Russian spacecraft are on their way there. In this evening's The Sky at Night Patrick Moore gives the results of the investigation into whether anyone can see the crescent shape of Venus with the naked eye-which may help to clear up the mystery of the old references to 'the horned Venus.'
Attention is then turned to the other brilliant planet, Jupiter—, the giant of the sun's family, with its belts, moons, and strange Red Spot. Patrick Moore is joined by Terence Moseley to discuss this remarkable world which is always changing; large enough to hold more than 1,000 earths, it is a fascinating object when seen through even a small telescope, if only because one never knows what to expect next!