Emelie Hooke (soprano)
Relayed from The Grand Hotel, Eastbourne
At the pianoforte, Sydney Ffoulkes
The first solo to be played by Leslie Jeffries tonight is the Adagio from the Max Bruch concerto, recently recorded by Menuhin, the famous violinist. Mr. Sydney Ffoulkes, the Grand Hotel's own pianist, has arranged the Scherzo by Litolff and will himself play the piano solo parts. Mr. Ffoulkes is one of the most versatile members of the orchestra. He is also a first-class violinist, who played in the Scottish Symphony Orchestra, and under Sir Henry Wood at Queen's Hall. Visitors to the famous lounge tonight will hear Jeffries and his orchestra making a record of ' Glamorous Night ' when the broadcast is over.
Lately, Jeffries has had hundreds of letters of congratulation on the anniversary of his first year at Eastbourne, and would like to express his appreciation through The Radio Times.